Friday 20 September 2013

Tuesday 17 September 2013

I've filled up a Moleskine!

I love sketching and painting in my little Moleskine sketchbooks (3" x 5" ish) size.  But is it

total desperation when I actually end up drawing this Beaver on the Inside Cover just to make the

most of it all....

(suppose I should have drawn a mole - although perhaps it does look a little like one!!!!)

Thankfully I have another moleskine on the go and a spare brand new one that I can't

wait to get started on.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Colour added

 I got hold of my small palette and  I soon coloured in my drawing ...

It gave me something to do for a few minutes....boredom is now setting in, which could mean I am actually on the mend!